Sunday, August 22, 2010

John and Megan's Wedding

This weekend we went to John and Megan's wedding in Monte Rio, a couple of hours north of San Francisco on the Russian River. It was also a big reunion with all of my friends from Boalt - Elaine had rented a compound of houses with hot tubs and kitchens. People showed up on Friday afternoon and started to figure out where to sleep. Here Matt and Cort ro-sham-bo for a better room:

One of the rooms was, um, dated. But it had a minibar!

The owners had even setup a fire for us. It lit with one match:

The wedding was right on the Russian river. Everyone looked beautiful. Here is Megan walking down the aisle with her mom. Moments before I took this shot she let out her characteristic Megan Burke laugh.

Roger, Elaine, and Zain cheersing while the bridal party took photos:

There is some kind of tradition (gaelic I think) of throwing a stone into a river while wishing happiness to the new couple. After we hurled some stones, Sarah and Camile waded in:

John and Megan cut the cake. I heard John mumble under his breath, "This is the creepiest tradition" after they did the feeding:

Then came dancing and drinking:

And then shots. Of which today I regret.

One of the best weddings of the best people I know with the best people I know.

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