Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On the Road: California to Wyoming (but mostly Utah)

I'm writing this from the lobby of the Prairie Hotel in Cheyenne, WY, after having accidentally thrown the local coffee shop into chaos. (Justin ordered a blueberry yogurt from the glass display case. The clerk looked flustered and asked what he was talking about. He had no idea he sold yogurt. We think that the little Dannon might have been sitting there since the town's founding in the mid-1800s. The rest of our order proceeded similarly.) 

We've been making ninety-mile-per-hour time since we left Tahoe, flying across the flat desert lands of Nevada, Utah, and now Wyoming. We hope to make our way pretty solidly into Nebraska before tonight.

Such speed requires sustenance.

However, we doubt we'd qualify for the land speed records that we saw some dudes trying to break in the Bonneville Salt Flats of Utah. This photo does not capture the weird, ultraflat, whiteness of Bonneville.

We had to stop in Salt Lake City, a place neither of us had ever been, to visit the Mormon temple there.

We took some smootchy photos and hoped we weren't offending anyone.

and everyone threw up a little bit.
We wandered around the tabernacle and immaculate landscaping with big statues of important Mormon saints. We pressed buttons at the scale model of Jerusalem in the visitors center to make it light up. Justin wins for comment of the day when he said that one of the large religious paintings looked "really Bibley." Did you know that some of the landscaping plants used at the Temple are extremely hot chili peppers? I sure didn't.

The moon over the Wasatch range was insane. It was deserving of much conversation, especially later in the evening. It was so bright that the moonset actually woke us up in our tent that night. We thought it was dawn.

We took a little detour to Park City to sample the local brew pub's fare and look at the old Olympic ski jumps. (PS: why does anyone do that!? Those things look deadly!) Wasatch Brew Pub's award-winning specialty is the Polygamy Porter: "why have just one?"

We camped in Rockport State Park, a pretty little lake, for the evening, and then got on our way eastward. 

My car doesn't have a name yet. Should she?

Now we're in Cheyenne. I desired a photo with one of the gigantic boots that surround the town square. I got my wish.

All for now! Yee-Haw!


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