Sunday, August 22, 2010

On the Road: Seattle to San Francisco

Justin picked me up from work on Wednesday and we drove from Seattle to Portland. Thanks to the unflappable Ben for housing us, showing us Breakside, and introducing us to the finer points of Cascadian Dark Ales at Bailey's.

There is a lot of Oregon before California.

Then there is a lot of California before San Francisco. Some of California has Shasta in it.

It was inefficient, but a stop in San Francisco to have beers with friends was necessary. Of course.

And many thanks to Katie Scho for housing us in her gorgeous place in Berkeley for the evening!

San Francisco has apparently been eaten by fog. Nonetheless, as we drove into the menacingly fluffy bank on our way into the city, we were hopping in our seats to see everyone and cavort around the Mission. We are egregiously excited to move back here in November. Abrazos to our city friends and see you on the flip side!


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