Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cairns, Qantas, The Furby

We're in Cairns, which I cannot figure out how to pronounce properly. (The Aussies say "Cannes." But they also say "baahnacle" and "putting on eehhhs." Is "Cannes" the proper pronunciation in all accents, such that I should also say "Cannes," or is it just an Australian accent saying "Cairns," such that I should not mimic -- and possibly unintentionally mock -- them by dropping the R? I have solved this so far by mumbling.) [Justin: my solution is to say it differently every other time.]

We are madly planning for the next three weeks, putting together a quick road trip to Cape Tribulation, a five-day liveabord dive trip on the Great Barrier Reef, a sailing trip to the Whitsundays, and our flights to New Zealand.

Planning makes for uninteresting blogging. So I will just inform you of this very important fact:

On Qantas (which, incidentally, is an acronym that stands for Queensland And Northern Territory Airline Service), one is prohibited from operating a Furby.

That is all.

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